Board of Directors

Amy Judd, MPH

Amy Judd joined the Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) Division of Global Health Equity (DGHE) in 2003, shortly after the Division was launched by Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim and Howard Hiatt. As DGHE's Director of Program Development, Amy managed the implementation of global health initiatives, including: MDR-TB training and research programs in Russia; the BWH residency in Internal Medicine and Global Health Equity; and, a major collaboration between BWH clinical faculty, the Indian Health Service and Navajo Nation.

Her current focus is on improving access to cancer care in low resource settings and mentoring students, trainees and young professionals working in global health. She served as a technical advisor on the Global Task Force on Cancer Care and Control and the Harvard Global Equity Initiative, and on the Global Oncology steering committee. Earlier in her career she held senior staff positions at Massachusetts General Hospital and Yale-New Haven Hospital.

Amy has a BS from Cornell University and an MS from the Harvard School of Public Health.