Frequently Asked Questions

  • To support financially, donate here.

    To volunteer, sign up here.

    To follow GO on Facebook, like our page here.

    To follow GO on Twitter, check out @GlobalOnc here.

    To register to receive GO’s Quarterly Newsletter, sign up here and share on your own social media.

  • You can learn more by visiting Projects in the menu bar on our website.

  • Please contact GO, and we can help you establish a GO community!

  • The best means of promoting your work is to post it as a blog on sign up as a user and click "Write a Post" from the GO Map home page. If you are interested in having your work considered for a map feature and possibly on GO's website and social media, please send us an email as we would love to review it!

  • GO is looking for new partners and projects. We have skilled volunteers that span a range of expertise including, but not limited to, graphic design, computer science, public health, executive administration, oncology and biology/genomics research. You can initiate contact with a GO team member by sending an inquiry to

  • The Global Oncology (GO) Map is an interactive online tool and public resource for the global cancer community. Its purpose is to help the cancer control community initiate partnerships, make informed decisions, and develop collaborations. The GO Map catalogs international projects and events related to cancer research, care, and outreach, and displays them in a searchable format.

    The primary goals of the GO Map are to:

    Facilitate the breaking down of silos and building of collaboration

    Accelerate progress, ensure a balanced investment of resources, and align global cancer care and control efforts

    Provide resources to view and better understand international efforts in cancer research and control

    The inception of the GO Map was made possible through an alliance between the National Cancer Institute Center for Global Health (NCI CGH) and Global Oncology. The tool was initially developed based on NCI’s database.

  • Here are some ways to stay updated on our progress and learn more about the GO Map:

    Sign Up for GO's for regular updates, including GO's Quarterly Newsletter.

    Email the GO Map team at

  • GO is interested in engaging dedicated partner organizations in the GO Map effort. Contact us at if you are not already a partner organization and would like to inquire about becoming one.

  • To add your data, create an account on the GO Map to become a registered user, login to your account, click on one of the "Submit Project" or "Submit Event" buttons within the website. Fill in the requested information using the form provided and click "Submit". To learn more detail about uploading a project, read the GO Map FAQ.

  • In an effort to keep the GO Map up-to-date and accurate, every posting organization is responsible for providing high-quality, updated, and curated information for uploading. If your organization would like help in achieving these data standards, please contact us and we can discuss potential solutions. We look forward to featuring your work!