New Job Postings:
Executive Director and Operations Manager

We're excited to be growing our team! We're looking for an Executive Director and an Operations Manager to help lead GO to the next stage of growth. View the job descriptions here.

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Belize and the Caribbean

Since its official opening in August 2021, Belize's first public oncology unit has been running at full-capacity, even in the midst of various COVID-19 surges that have occurred. We're proud of the milestones we've reached this year:

  • Chemotherapy drugs are now available at the hospital, sparing patients and families from the logistical and financial burden of procuring their own medications in Mexico or Guatemala. GO's ongoing advocacy to national level stakeholders helped make this historic achievement possible.

  • Conducting research to measure the demographic and clinical profile of cancer patients in Belize--the country's first such research--as well as quality of care metrics including time from diagnosis to treatment initiation.

  • Adapting our GO-DOC model to other sites in the Caribbean. We're planning trainings to leverage the lessons learned from Belize to help strengthen patient navigation and cancer care delivery programs in other countries in the region.

The Cervical Cancer-Free Nigeria Campaign

We've continued leading the Cervical Cancer-Free Nigeria (CCFN) campaign, which seeks to eliminate cervical cancer in Nigeria by increasing demand for and supply of the HPV vaccine. Here are the latest updates:

  • Demand generation: We are actively exploring a partnership with Scope Impact and TogetHER for Health to conduct a multi-pronged demand generation project that will: 1) educate Nigerian women about cervical health using various media forums and 2) direct them toward health clinics offering services including cervical cancer screening and/or HPV vaccination.

  • Vaccine supply: In the coming months, the Nigerian government is expected to submit an application to Gavi, the Global Vaccine Alliance, for national-scale procurement of the HPV vaccine. The CCFN campaign is staying abreast of these stakeholder discussions and positioning itself to be a technical assistance partner in conjunction with the national vaccine roll-out.

Of course, we can't do this without the support of partners like you. If you believe in this work, please consider making a donation to support GO's efforts to provide cancer care for patients in the Belize and the Caribbean. With your help, we can make lasting and transformative change to improve care for cancer patients in the region.


Founded in 2012, Global Oncology is a non-profit whose mission is to bring the best in cancer care and education to underserved communities worldwide—as just 5% of global spending on cancer is allocated to these regions despite 80% of cancers globally occurring in low-resource settings.